
  • St. George's Church, Heaviley

    St. George's is a busy, vibrant and historic parish church in Heaviley, Stockport.

    Our mission for the parish is that it may be a place of worship and encounter; faith and discipleship; outreach and engagement; education and learning. Worship at St. George's encompasses a wide variety of styles, both ancient and modern, with a particularly fine choral tradition.

    The church has a large congregation made up of people from all ages and backgrounds. Throughout the year, there are a number of activities and events happening at St. George's, to which all are welcome.

    8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
    10.15am Parish Communion (contemporary with Sunday Clubs)
    6.30pm Evensong

    10.30am Mums and Tots Praise and Play

    10.00am Holy Communion (traditional)

    More information

    Stockport Deanery is the Church of England in Stockport. Images and content (c) Andrew Lythall 2013. All rights reserved.